Matig geslapen, raar gedroomd, vroeg op, “een vol en gevarieerd” (Marcel Oosten) Radio 1 Journaal.
Boodschappen. Doodmoe. Geen zin in dadelijk wéér een Radio 1 Journaal maar wel in een uur bodemloos slapen.
1 dingetje nog.
Een enquête invullen om te achterhalen wat het “energie beest” in mij is.
Zinloze exercitie maar ik kan het niet laten en ontdek zo dat ik een kraanvogel ben.
You’re a Comely Crane
Although one animal is usually dominant, keep in mind that “we all have tendencies of all four animals,” says Hadady.
Here are the typical characteristics of a Crane:
Face Shape: Narrow facial features.
Body type: Slender and willowy, or massive. Cranes always go to extremes and are always attractive.
Social style: You prefer to be alone and are drained by social activities.
Spirit: Proud and sensitive; often highly spiritual.
With others you are: Sneaky and secretive. You use your addictions as a barrier between yourself and others (i.e. leaving the dinner table for a smoking break, sneaking away from a card game for some ice cream).
Best traits: Dignified, courageous, dedicated.
Worst traits: Anxious, standoffish, secretive.
Celeb match: Marilyn Monroe. Despite her personal insecurities and poor health, she achieved worldwide fame.
Ideal job: No matter the profession, you strive for perfection. For example, you don’t want to be just a pianist; you want to be a renowned musician. Also, your beauty makes you an ideal fashion model.
Food cravings: Pizza, bread, pasta; dairy products, especially ice cream and cheese.
Worst eating habit: Harmful tendencies like yo-yo dieting or drug/alcohol abuse.
Ideal exercise: Yoga, which will help you stay mindful of your own body and give the solitude you need.
Weight loss goal: Eat balanced, nourishing foods and follow a regular eating schedule.
Nu kan ik nog twee quizzen gaan doen die nóg populairder zijn dan deze te weten:
Will You See Your 80th Birthday?
Are You a Good Kisser?
Het antwoord op 1 wil ik niet weten en het antwoord op 2 is ‘ja’ maar daar heb ik niks aan zonder vent.
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