How are you doing? Hope you have not forgotten me, I am Miss Blessing Paul, the Lady from Togo who contacted you some time ago to assist me secure the release of my inheritance from my late father. Though you were not able to assist me conclude the transaction, I’m happy to inform you about my success in getting those funds transferred under the assistance and cooperation of a new partner from Brazil.
Presently I’m in London-United Kingdom for investment projects with my share of the total sum. meanwhile, I didn’t forget your past efforts and attempts to assist me in transferring those funds, I made sure you are not left out the benefit of the transaction hence I kept aside for you sum of 1,200.000.00(ONE MILLION TWO THOUSAND US DOLLARS) Draft. I
and my new partner agreed to compensate you with that amount for all your past efforts and attempt to assist me in this matter.
Yvonne B zegt
I and my new partner???
1,200.000.00 =one million two HUNDRED thousand
Hoezo slecht Engels??
Jeanne zegt
Ik denk: ze schrijven bewust beroerd Engels in de hoop dat een hebberd dan denkt ‘misschien is dit écht een niet snuggere figuur die mij verwart met iemand anders dus laat het schip met geld maar binnenvaren’.